Sidmouth Herald published 7 September 2012

Sidmouth’s Golf Croquet team (captain Helen Pryor, with Graeme Pryor, Keith Thorley, John Coombes, Pamela Bowra, Margaret Piper, Anne Reece and Marian Harris) travelled to Dowlish Wake near Illminster to play in the semi-final of the South West Federation Golf Croquet League, writes Helen Pryor.
Their opponents, Dowlish Wake, were the winning team of the South-East section of the League. The match was played on the home team’s sloping site and undulating lawns which posed a real challenge, with the balls not going where expected or hoped for. Also, the handicap system of extra turns favoured the home team.
Twelve games were played in the morning - four doubles and eight singles. Dowlish Wake won five, Sidmouth three and four were drawn. After the usual excellent lunch, eight singles were played. Sidmouth won two, Dowlish won five and there was a draw.
The final result, Dowlish Wake 12½ to Sidmouth 7½, does not indicate how well Sidmouth played, with some very close-fought games being lost by just one hoop. There was disappointment at losing, but every Sidmouth player drew or won at least one game, with Pamela Bowra winning two games and Keith Thorley winning one and drawing two.
Throughout the season the team has played well, exceeding the best performances of previous years, and deserved the place in the semi-final. However, the hoped-for chance at the Final will have to wait until next year!
The Sidmouth team all enjoyed their visit to Dowlish Wake, the company and hospitality is always good, the sun shone and, on leaving, they wished the Dowlish players good fortune in their forthcoming well-deserved League final.