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Sidmouth SW Golf Croquet Register a Record Score


Sidmouth Herald published 7 August 2014

Fair weather and good fortune favoured Sidmouth SW golf croquet team in their home match against Barnstaple, writes John Coombes.

The final score was one of 18 games won and just tow lost from 20 contests and this is almost certainly the best score ever achieved by a Sidmouth golf croquet team.

The two morning rounds of eight games went entirely to Sidmouth. In the afternoon Barnstaple were joined by veteran player Michael Fane, who won two of his three games, but the remaining 10 games all went to Sidmouth.

Two Sidmouth players; Michael Hide, and Anne Gedge, both won all four of their games. Michael displayed a masterly command of jump shots at several hoops.

Three further Sidmouth players: John Davies, John Coombes, and Margaret Colman each played three games and won all of them.

This successful day was all the more remarkable as two of the team’s best players, Keith Thorley and Pam Bowra, were unable to play; though it should be pointed out that Barnstaple were also unable to field their top player.

Sidmouth SW now look forward to their forthcoming match against Cornwall.

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