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Sidmouth Suffer First Golf Croquet Defeat of the Season in Final Outing

Sidmouth Journal published 24 August 2017

The final fixture in the SW Federation Golf Croquet Level Play League saw Sidmouth venture to Somerset to meet Taunton Deane, writes Richard Thurlow.

Sidmouth had a good chance of retaining the top spot in their division in this league, provided the result was a win or a draw, but this was not to be.

Taunton Deane, with a team of six low handicap players, (including one with a minus one handicap), proved too strong for the Sidmouth players who were trounced 14.5-5.5.

This was the only defeat that the Sidmouth Level Play team sustained this season. On the whole a very good performance, and again something too build on next year.

Finally, on a lighter note, your correspondent was seen this week, plaintively wandering around the lawns looking for his back pack, on his way home after having suffered a mentally bruising defeat in a match against a another member. It was only after 15 minutes of such searching that it was laughingly pointed out to him that it was actually on his back.

Such is life; next year we do need some new members with more mental robustness!. Some thing to build on next year.

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