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Sidmouth Croquet refresher course proves a real success


Sidmouth Herald published 25 April 2013

The Golf Croquet Refresher was a great success, writes Colin Walls.

twenty-four members of Sidmouth Croquet Club attended the ‘beginning of the season’ course.

Five coaches were on hand and members’ handicaps ranged from five to 11.

For the first hour, basic strokes were practised and, in particular, how to aim straight and hit the ball through hoops. Groups were based on handicaps and the higher handicapped, less experienced players, received extra instruction.

After coffee, which was was very efficiently served by Marian Harris, eight of the newer players stayed together with two coaches on the half size lawns and played doubles games under further instruction.

Other players, also playing doubles games, were divided into four’s in a way that ensured that they had practice in playing with and against “extra turns”. (higher handicap players receive these when playing against players with lower handicaps).

How and when to use these ‘extra turns’ and tactics played an important role here. All members present seemed to enjoy this outside session, taking place on the best Saturday of the year so far - mostly sunny and reasonably warm.

I would like to thank the coaches for their time - David Temple, John Dixon, Graeme Pryor, Howard Quarrell and Ian Friedlander. Also, thanks to Marian for the coffee (and biscuits).

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