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Sidmouth Go Down to Exeter in Enjoyable Croquet Meeting


Sidmouth Herald published 2 July 2015

Sidmouth were edged out in what proved to be a most enjoyable home meeting with Exeter, writes David Butler.

After careful and prolonged team member review, the manager, Richard Thurlow, chose Richard Croft, Andrew Thomas, John Coombes and himself to play for Sidmouth

A warm and pleasant day, with both teams sending four players a side, with one double and two singles in the morning and four singles after lunch.

Sidmouth narrowly lost the doubles, (John and Richard C), Richard T lost the singles and Andrew won his singles in the morning.

We needed to win all matches in the afternoon and tensions were high as the effects of the lunch time inspirational team speech and coffee and crisps took their hold.

Unfortunately for Sidmouth, they could only win two singles, (Richard T and John), with Andrew and Richard C being narrowly beaten.

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