Sidmouth Herald published 25 August 2011

Sidmouth B Level Tournament
Sixteen players competed in the annual Sidmouth B Level Advanced Tournament held over three days earlier this month. Two all-play-all groups of eight were keenly fought, with first and second places being taken by Richard Kimberley (NZ) and Robert Moss (Bear of Rodborough) in one group and Nigel Amos (Bath) and Richard Wood (Sidmouth) in the other.
The final between Richard Kimberley and Nigel Amos turned out to be a close-run affair. An hour into the game found Nigel well ahead having just failed to make a triple peel. He did, however, manage to get both his clips on Rover before Richard made a strong comeback.
The tension was palpable as both players missed roquets, but Nigel held on to win +5 and take the Regency Salver, which was presented by club chairman, Elaine Woodward.
The tournament was ably managed by Nancy Temple and took place under fine playing conditions with the lawns running true and receiving much praise from the competitors.
This year, Sidmouth will be privileged to hold the All England Handicap Tournament final on the September 17/18. Derek Andrew will represent Sidmouth, having beaten Rosemary Bradshaw in the final of an internal competition. Derek will go forward to compete in a zonal competition at Nailsea later this month.