Sidmouth Croquet Club

We follow the CA safeguarding Code of Practice (Croquet England wef 1 January 2024) at
https://www.croquet.org.uk/?p=ca/schemes/ChildSafeguarding https://www.croquet.org.uk/?p=ca/schemes/ChildSafeguarding/conduct
but also in full below after Club Policy documents.
1. Our Safeguarding Policy document (immediately below)
2. Our Code of Conduct
3. Our Code of Good Practice
Name of the Croquet Club Safeguarding Officer: Marian Gadian
Contact details marigad60@gmail.com Mobile number: 07592639538
(if unavailable contact Sue Dent Chairperson)
Sidmouth Croquet Club Safeguarding Policy
The purpose and scope of this policy statement is to ensure that all young people who visit Sidmouth Croquet Club enjoy learning about croquet in a safe and friendly environment.
The purpose of this policy statement is:
to protect children and young people, who receive Sidmouth Croquet club’s services, from harm - this includes the children of adults who use our services
This policy statement should be read alongside our Code of Practice and our Code of Good Conduct Welcome Letter (available on our Website or on the Notice Board in Hut 3). We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults, to keep them safe and to practise in a way that protects them.
We recognise that:
• the welfare of children and vulnerable adults is paramount in the work we do and in any decisions we take.
• all children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.
We will seek to keep children and vulnerable adults safe by:
• valuing, listening to and respecting them
• appointing a nominated member for safeguarding
• adopting child protection and safeguarding best practice so that all members know about and follow our policies, procedures and behaviour
We will ensure that we
• record and store and use information securely, in line with data protection legislation and guidance
• share information about safeguarding and good practice with children and their families
•show children, vulnerable adults and their families where to find help if they have a concern
• create and maintain an anti-bullying environment
• ensure that we have effective complaints procedure in place
• build a safeguarding culture where all feel safe and able to share concerns
Contact details
Nominated child protection lead
Name: Marian Gadian Phone/email: marigad60@gmail.com
Senior lead for safeguarding and child protection
Name: Sue Dent Phone/email: sueandkelvindent@gmail.com
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
This policy was last reviewed on: 16th September 2023
Signed: ……………Sue Dent……………………………………………………………
[this should be signed by the most senior person with responsibility for safeguarding in your organisation, for example the safeguarding lead on your board of trustees].
Date: ……………… 16th September 2023………………………………………………………
Supported by: nspcc.org.uk/learning learning@nspcc.org.uk 0116 234 7246 @NSPCCLearning

Sidmouth Croquet Club
Code of Good Practice
Safeguarding Children and vulnerable adults
Members under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult whilst at the club; unless they have permission from a parent or guardian or a club officer.
Children (who are not members) attending the club must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or in the case of groups, by their own Group Leader.
Members should ensure they are never alone with a child and ensure they are in plain sight or hearing of other adults when interacting with young people (or vulnerable adults).
Physical contact, “horseplay”, taunting, suggestive comments or other potentially inappropriate behaviour in not acceptable. If members observe this type of behaviour between members of a group of children it should be mentioned to the group leader. It is the duty of all members to safeguard children who attend our club.
Members should familiarise themselves with the Croquet England Safeguarding Policy at:
Members are reminded if a child reports an incidence there is a strict procedure to follow:
Respond (listen only do not show anger or disbelief)
Record (on the Incidence of Abuse Form)
Report to the Member for Safeguarding or the Chair of Croquet Club who will then decide what action to take.

Sidmouth Croquet Club
Code of Conduct for Sidmouth Croquet Club
Welcome to Sidmouth Croquet Club. We hope you will have a great time learning about this game and look forward to the time when you are playing in competitions. We give you some useful and important information in this letter, but if there is anything more you would like us to tell you, please speak to Marian Gadian or ask your parent to do so.
We play croquet for fun but it can be a frustrating game and it is important that we remember to behave well towards other members, players and visitors at all times, so we expect you to follow this Code of Conduct:
Have fun and be nice to others
Behave kindly and respectfully towards them – treat them as you would wish them to treat you
Do not make nasty or unkind comments about them or their play
Do not use social media to make nasty or unkind comments
Do not use bad language
Do not use illegal substances
Arrive promptly for all events
Tell the coach or manager of the event when you arrive and when you are leaving
Participate within the rules of the sport
Respect the decisions and requests of coaches and officials
Treat facilities and equipment with respect
Do not use mobile phones or devices on the lawn and use them quietly elsewhere
Dress appropriately for the event
Recognize and celebrate yours and others’ efforts, not just success
Remember there is one winner and one loser in every game but both have tried really hard
If you have any worries, discuss these with your parents or your coach, or someone you trust.
If we have any concerns about your behaviour, we will discuss these with you and your parents so we can find a solution. But if this is not possible, we might have to ask you to leave the session. If we continue to have concerns, we may have to ask you to leave the club. This is not something we would want to do and we will work really hard with you to find a solution that works for us all.
Croquet is a wonderful sport that offers a great deal. You are fortunate in that you have many years ahead to enjoy it. We will do what we can to help you make the most of it.

For the purposes of this policy:
A child is someone under the age of 18 years.
A parent is any adult who has ongoing responsibility for a child. The term, therefore, includes guardians, etc.
The CA's goal is to enlarge the number of people who play croquet and to increase participation by children. Every child who takes part in the sport should be able to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment.
The Croquet Association is committed to the following safeguarding principles:
The safeguarding of children is the responsibility of the CA and everyone in it.
All children have the right to protection from all forms of harm and abuse, irrespective of their age, culture, disability, sex, language, race, schooling, family background, religious belief or gender identity.
Children have the right to express views on all matters which affect them.
We will comply with all legal requirements for the safeguarding of children.
Everyone's Responsibilities
All CA Members should:
Be aware of the need to safeguard children (i.e., all under 18 years old).
Be good role models both in play and other croquet activities.
Be aware of, and comply with, the CA Codes of Safeguarding Conduct.
Know how to contact their Club Welfare/Safeguarding Officer, or Federation or Academy Safeguarding Officer. These are known collectively as Local Safeguarding Officers (LSO).
Report any safeguarding concerns they have to the LSO at the earliest opportunity.
CA's Roles and Responsibilities
The Croquet Association will:
Promote the wellbeing of children by providing opportunities for them to take part in croquet safely.
Respect the rights, wishes and feelings of children.
Implement procedures to support and safeguard children.
Require members, staff and volunteers to adopt and abide by this Policy and its inherent procedures.
Respond to any allegations of misconduct or abuse of children in line with this Policy as well as implementing, when appropriate, the relevant disciplinary and appeals procedures.
Contact external agencies in line with incident reporting guidelines.
Handle, at Executive Board level, all press and associated queries relating to the safeguarding conduct of CA members.
Ensure that coaches are briefed on this policy and their responsibilities.
Appoint a CA Safeguarding Officer (CA SO) whose role is defined, see Role of CA Safeguarding Officer.
Maintain a register of all Local Safeguarding Officers (LSOs) appointed by Clubs, Federations and Academies.
Ensure that all organisers and officials of events are of aware of Safeguarding for Competitions and Other Events.
Provide a centralised service for obtaining DBS Enhanced Certificates, see Requirement for DBS Enhanced Certificates.
Maintain a register of members holding DBS Enhanced Certificates registered with the DBS Update Service, whether obtained through the CA or obtained through another organisation and evidenced to the CA.
Clubs', Federations' and Academies' Roles and Responsibilities
The CA requires Clubs, Federations and Academies to:
Adhere to the Child Safeguarding Codes of Conduct make use of Child Safeguarding Processes and Child Safeguarding Guidelines.
Appoint a Local Safeguarding Officer (LSO) whose Terms of Reference are to include those at Role of Local Safeguarding Officers.
Accept that all Officers and Committee members have a lead responsibility in this area.
Suitably publicise the organisation's adoption of the CA Child Safeguarding Policy and appointment of their LSO.
Ensure that when a parent is not present, a child's interests are protected by the appointment of a Responsible Adult (see Role of Responsible Adult) agreed with the parent.
Ensure that all their organisers and officials of events are aware of Safeguarding for Competitions and Other Events.
Ensure that all those who work regularly with children are properly briefed on this policy, its procedures and guidelines.
Maintain confidentiality of any alleged safeguarding issues that arise.
Maintain confidential records of reported cases and action taken.
Be prepared to challenge and alter practice.
Reporting of Incidents and Concerns
When any incident occurs or concern arises about a child or the behaviour of an adult, these must be reported confidentially to the LSO as soon as possible. See guidance at Responding to Safeguarding Incidents and Concerns. For the avoidance of doubt, this does not cover incidents not directly related to safeguarding, e.g., accidents - for which separate procedures should be followed.
The LSO is responsible for maintaining a written confidential record of all events about the incident/concern, which includes dates and times of these events, witnesses and other relevant information.
The LSO should not investigate, approach the accused perpetrator, or make any judgement on whether or not abuse has taken place. They make seek advice from the NSPCC or the CA SO.
Monitoring, Review and Continuous Improvement
This policy will be reviewed:
In accordance with changes in legislation and guidance on the safeguarding of children.
Following any incidents or concerns raised about the safeguarding of children within the Croquet Association.
At least every three years.
This policy will be monitored by:
Keeping records of incidents/concerns and their outcomes.
Accepting comments from Clubs, Federations and Academies on the ease of implementation and effect of the policy.
Supporting Documents
This document is supported by the following documents, which together form the CA's Child Safeguarding Policy.
Child Safeguarding Codes of Conduct
This document describes the standards of behaviour expected when:
Dealing with children.
Coaching children, including when DBS Enhanced Certificates need to be held.
Children use club premises.
Contacting children via social media, handling their data, using their visual images
Organising trips for children.
An emergency occurs.
Handling media on safeguarding matters.
This document also defines how any breaches in these standards are to be handled.
This document, which is specific to safeguarding children, should be read in conjunction with the CA Code of Conduct.
This document is part of the CA Child Safeguarding Policy.
In this document, the term "coach" includes CA-qualified coaches and any volunteer working with such a coach when working with children.
General Conduct
The aim for all clubs should be to create a welcoming and supportive environment for both children and adults that will minimise opportunities for abuse and false allegations.
Clubs have a responsibility to engage with the parents of child members. The first formal opportunity will be when children join as members. Parents must be asked to consent to their child taking part in club activities, to consent to photos/videos being taken and used in a range of circumstances, and to provide contacts and medical details. A template (T1) Parental Consent and Information Form on Joining is provided. Also available is a template (T2) Information for Children.
Children may feel awkward and out of place in a sport largely played by older people. To address this, they should be:
Respected - seek their views, value their contribution.
Included - in conversations and club activities.
Supported - be reassured they are in a safe environment.
Encouraged - as they learn the game at their pace.
All adult members should always:
When children are at a club without their parent or Responsible Adult present, ensure a minimum of two adults are in the vicinity. In addition to safeguarding needs, this is a sensible precaution in the case of accidents and meets CA's insurance requirements. See also paras 17 to 21 below regarding online communication.
Treat all children with equal respect.
Allow children privacy when using shared changing facilities.
Use the minimum force necessary if physical contact is required to prevent injury or danger to a child or other person.
Avoid physical contact in other circumstances; coaching should be by demonstration only.
Obtain parental consent before befriending or otherwise contacting them via social media.
Any other contact with a child is only through their parent.
Adult members should never:
Denigrate a child's croquet abilities. Particular care is required in streaming commentaries, online texting and social media.
Drive a child in their car (except in an emergency) without specific parental consent, unless the adult is the Responsible Adult, see also below for trips.
Have favourites among the children.
Engage in any physical or sexualised behaviour with a child.
Use obscene or sexualised language.
Allow children to engage in swearing, bullying or other unacceptable behaviour.
Ignore any concerns or allegations expressed by a child.
Conduct by Coaches
All coaches working with children, whether in a voluntary or paid role, are expected to apply all the CA's coaching standards.
To meet the CA Safeguarding Policy when coaching children, in addition to the general conduct requirements for all adult members at paras 6 to 10 above, coaches are required to:
Respect the right of parents to be involved, including ensuring that children's parents have the coaches' contact details. Conversely, coaches should ensure that they have the children's emergency contact details readily available.
Ensure an adult/coach ratio on the lawn of no more than four children per adult, improving the ratio to take into account any additional needs e.g. communication, disability or challenging behaviour.
Apply the guidelines in the section Conduct for Trip Organisers below. This includes obtaining parental consent for all trips to croquet events; the necessary templates (T3A) Letter to Parents for an Event, and (T3B) Parental Consent Form for an Event are provided.
When using video recording equipment (including mobile phones, tablets, and similar devices) as a coaching aid, ensure that all images are appropriate and available to the parents or immediately deleted.
DBS Enhanced Certificates
When children are coached "frequently, intensely or overnight", it is defined as a Regulated Activity. See Requirement for DBS Enhanced Certificates for full details.
To coach children, whether in a regulated activity or not, all coaches should ensure they have the necessary DBS clearance for their role. See Requirement for DBS Enhanced Certificates for full details.
Children's Use of Club Premises
The CA encourages children to use club premises; however, to achieve this safely requires some special measures:
When a child is on club premises, they must be accompanied at all times by, at least, one adult.
When a child is being coached together with other children, they must be accompanied by the coach and one other adult
A child must not be given the responsibility for securing club premises.
For the purposes of paras 15a and 15b above, the accompanying adult may be:
Their parent (who solely from the perspective of this policy need not be a club member; however, local club rules will continue to apply).
Another club member whom the parent has formally designated as their child's Responsible Adult while they are at the club.
Conduct when Contacting Children Online
Various methods of online contact are standard practice for many clubs and children are likely to be well-versed in their use. It is expected that all communication with children will be open, transparent and appropriate.
There are risks with online contact which include:
Inappropriate access to, use or sharing of personal details (e.g. names, email addresses)
Unwanted contact with children by adults with wrongful/questionable intent
Being sent offensive or otherwise inappropriate material
Sending offensive or otherwise inappropriate material
Online bullying by peers
Grooming for sexual abuse
Direct contact and abuse
For adults, risks include their communication with children being misinterpreted.
To reduce these risks, parental consent must be obtained before any member may:
contact a child by phone call, text or email (Parents should be offered the option of being copied in on all such contacts).
Engage in online coaching or similar activity. Note: Although consent is not legally required for young people aged between 16 and 18, it is still recommended that parents are informed of the intention to send their child emails or texts. It is also good practice to obtain the consent of the 16-to-18-year-old.
Conduct to Protect Data
Clubs are to protect children's personal data in line with the CA's Data Protection Policy, and to ensure it is only used in accordance with parent's permissions.
Conduct for Trip Organisers
There will hopefully be opportunities for child members to play and/or receive coaching at another venue. These guidelines will help plan and run a successful trip.
Establish the following, in discussion with the Local Safeguarding Officer:
Reason for the trip.
Date, times, venue.
Cost and who will pay.
Clothing, equipment, food or drink that may be required.
What to expect at the event.
Travel arrangements, including ensuring that the journey time is sufficient to allow for adequate comfort breaks to be taken and that they do not require a child to be transported alone by anyone other than their parents.
In the event of an overnight journey - accommodation and meal arrangements.
If any child is not accompanied by their parent, they need to be accompanied by someone who is designated as that child's Responsible Adult (Note: if the trip involves an overnight stay that person needs to hold a DBS Enhanced Certificate with child barring check), see Role of Responsible Adult.
For each child travelling, contact their parent to:
Brief them on the trip details.
Provide them with contact details of the trip organiser, venue and drivers and, if required, the child's Responsible Adult.
Establish if the child has any medical requirements (e.g. for travel sickness, other reasons) that might impact on the trip.
Ask them to reinforce to their child the behaviour expected and the consequences of not following this.
Ensure current parent contact details are known, together with emergency contact phone numbers.
An exchange of emails is useful as a reminder to all parties to avoid misunderstandings and to inform other passengers that a child is travelling with them, while also serving as a written record.
In the event of accommodation being required, it should be assessed prior to booking regarding its suitability with particular reference to sleeping, changing and toileting arrangements.
A child should only share a room with their parent.
On arrival, the accommodation's suitability should be confirmed and it should be checked that the child understands:
Managing the room key
Meal arrangements
Schedule of activities
Securing valuables
In an Emergency
The following actions are suggested if an emergency arises:
Call emergency services.
Keep everyone safe.
Inform the child's emergency contact.
Consider whether there are safeguarding implications, and if so follow the process at Responding to Safeguarding Incidents and Concerns.
Make a written record of everything as soon as possible.
Do not speak to the press.
On return, complete the club's accident/incident report form, and notify the LSO or CA SO.
Conduct when Handling the Media on Safeguarding Matters
Press enquiries on any topic are likely to come from a variety of sources and responding to each on an ad hoc local basis is a recipe for confusion. It is important that all responses on any child safeguarding issue (especially those relating to any individual case) are handled by a single person, namely the Executive Board member to whom the CA Safeguarding Officer CA SO reports.
If an enquiry comes in:
Take the contact details.
Note the nature of the enquiry.
Give an assurance that a response will be made in due course.
Brief the CA SO, or the relevant Executive Board member, at the earliest opportunity.
Similarly, it is important not to respond on an ad hoc basis to tweets, Whats App messages or other contact via social media etc. on child safeguarding topics within croquet. The CA SO or the relevant Executive Board member are to be briefed at the earliest opportunity.
Conduct when Photographing
Photography, Video, and Live Streaming can all be excellent ways of celebrating and promoting croquet. Photos of people enjoying the sport can be great promotional tools, but when personal information is added to photographs, these images can be used to identify people and put their safety and privacy at risk. Photographs can also be adapted for inappropriate use.
Images of children playing croquet should only convey best practice and positive aspects of croquet.
When advised of an event, parents are told that their child may be photographed/filmed - see Template (T3B) Parental Consent Form for an Event. If they do not want their child's name associated with such images, they have to advise the event organiser. In such circumstances, it is the event organiser's responsibility to ensure that the parent's wishes in this respect are met.
Unsupervised access to children or one-on-one photography or filming sessions, at the event or elsewhere, is not permitted. Indoor filming or photography of children should be limited to the public area of the pavilion/clubhouse unless express permission is obtained.
A child's personal contact details (e.g., postal or email address, telephone numbers) should never be published. This applies even if parental permission has been given for their photograph to be used.
Breaches of Behaviour
Any suspected or actual breach of these codes must be reported as a safeguarding concern, see Reporting Incidents and Concerns.
Further action will depend on the nature and severity of the breach and may range from discussion through to disciplinary (see CA Code of Conduct) and possibly criminal action.