Sidmouth Croquet Club

Sidmouth Cricket, Tennis and Croquet Club
Telephone: 01395 513229
The Club shall be called the SIDMOUTH CRICKET, TENNIS and CROQUET CLUB (hereinafter referred to as "The Club')
2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of The Club are: -
2.1 To provide facilities for and promote participation in the amateur sports of cricket, tennis and croquet in Sidmouth.
2.2 To encourage young people to participate and receive coaching in the sporting activities provided by the Club. To provide opportunities for the enjoyment of indoor games and social cohesion for all members.
2.3 The Cricket section known as Sidmouth Cricket Club, which is affiliated to the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) through the Devon Cricket Board, is also required by those bodies to ensure that;
2.3.1 All its playing members must abide by the ECB Code of Conduct which incorporates the “Spirit of Cricket” and the Laws of Cricket.
2.3.2 A duty of care is extended to all its members by adopting and implementing the ECB’s “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children,” and any future versions of that Policy, and also by adopting and implementing the ECB’s “Cricket Club Inclusion and Diversity Policy” and any future versions of the policy.
2.4 The Tennis section known as Sidmouth Tennis Club, which is affiliated to the Lawn Tennis Association through the Devon LTA, is also required by those bodies to ensure that:
2.4.1 All its playing members abide by the LTA Rules, Regulations, Guidelines and Codes of Conduct as adopted by the Tennis members and, from time to time, amended and updated.
2.4.2 A duty of care is extended to all its members by adopting and implementing the LTA’s guidelines for child protection and any future versions of these guidelines, and also by adopting and implementing the guidelines for the Child Equity Policy and any future versions of the guidelines
2.5 The Croquet section known as Sidmouth Croquet Club, is a member of both the South West Federation of Croquet Clubs (SWF) and the Croquet Association (CA), and is required by those bodies to ensure that:
2.5.1 All its playing members abide by the policies and regulations of the SWF and CA. The SWF which manages inter-club croquet activity in the South West and it complies with the CA’s over-arching policies which ensure the sport is compliant with British Law and with the laws or rules for the different codes of play drawn up by the CA in conjunction with the World Croquet Federation (WCF).
2.5.2 A duty of care is extended to all its members by adopting and implementing the SWF and CA guidelines for protection and any future versions of these guidelines, and also by adopting and implementing the guidelines for the Equality Policy and any future versions of the guidelines.
3.1 Membership shall be open to anyone interested in sport on application, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs, except as a consequence of the requirements of cricket, tennis and croquet
3.2 Members, both playing and non-playing, pay an annual subscription. Members who do not maintain, occupy or have access to a permanent place of residence or business within a radius 50 miles from the Ground may pay a reduced subscription as determined under rule 5.8 and shall be known as Country Members.
3.3 Junior Members are those under the age of 18 years or those in full-time study at a recognised educational establishment at the start of the subscription year, or the date of application for membership.
3.4 Life Patrons are Members who have paid for life membership by the payment of a single sum.
3.5 Honorary Life Members are Members who, in the opinion of the General Management Committee (GMC) have rendered outstanding service to the Club. Such nominations for election as Honorary Life Members shall be approved by Members at the Annual General Meeting. Those members elected to be Honorary Members do not pay an annual subscription.
3.6 Temporary Members. The GMC may offer temporary membership for specified periods and/or under specified conditions to any persons deemed suitable. Such members will not be required to pay a subscription nor entitled to vote at any General Meeting of the Club.
3.7. Associate Members are persons who are themselves members of another organisation which the Club members resolve should be treated as an organisation associated with the Club (referred throughout these rules as an Associated Club). Such membership carries no voting rights nor the right to be an Officer, official, member of any committee of the Club, but entitles such member to enjoy the use of the Club facilities only and is conditional on:
3.7.1 such Associated Club paying an annual block subscription fee as determined under 5.4 below and
3.7.2 such Associated Club providing full details of the names of its playing and non-playing members who will enjoy associated membership and keeping the Club updated on any changes to its membership
3.7.3 such other regulations and restrictions as the GMC reasonably imposes from time to time.
3.8 Membership of the Club shall be open to any person completing a membership application form and paying the relevant subscription and/or playing fees. There must be at least a five-day period before membership can be approved. The GMC may refuse membership only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal may be made to the members of the Club.
3.9 Members wishing to resign from the Club shall give notice in writing to Hon Secretary at the address above. Subscriptions will not be refunded unless at the discretion of the Hon. Secretary.
3.10 The Sidmouth and Ottery Hockey Club shall be an Associated Club.
4.1 If the conduct or character of any member either in or out of the Club shall, in the opinion of the GMC, be unacceptable or injurious to the character, property and/or interests of the Club or sport they shall be subject to expulsion.
4.2 Such a decision shall be made by the GMC at a meeting called specifically for the purpose of investigating the matter. The resolution of such meeting shall be taken by ballot and a majority of two-thirds of the members present at such meeting shall be required to carry the motion to expel the offending member.
4.3 Appeal against expulsion may be made to the members of the Club.
4.4. No part of any subscriptions already paid shall be refundable in such circumstances.
5.1 The subscription year shall run from 1st April (except for the Sidmouth and Ottery Hockey Club’s block subscription where the relevant date shall be 31st October.) Annual subscriptions are due on those dates in each year. The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating. The Club Chairman, Hon Treasurer and Hon Secretary are exempted from membership subscriptions while undertaking their duties.
5.2 Members who have not paid their subscription by 31st May shall forfeit their membership, unless unforeseen circumstances are agreed by the Hon. Treasurer.
5.3 Subscriptions shall be determined from time to time by the GMC. All subscriptions shall be paid to the section Treasurer or Membership Secretary, acting on behalf of the Hon Treasurer.
5.4 An Associated Club shall pay an annual block subscription based on the number of its members at a rate determined from time to time to time, as set by the GMC members.
5.5 A member joining the Club on any date subsequent to the commencement of the current membership year may pay a reduced subscription, the amount of which shall be determined by Hon. Treasurer.
5.6 In addition to the annual subscription or Life Patron donation, every participating member shall pay a playing fee and/or match fee for each sport concerned, the amount of which shall be determined by the Section Committee annually.
5.7 A member absent from the United Kingdom during the whole of the membership year may retain their membership upon payment of a subscription, the amount of which shall be determined by the Hon. Treasurer.
5.8 Members, to be known as Country Members, both playing and non-playing, living at least 50 miles from the Club, will pay a reduced subscription as determined annually by the GMC.
6.1 The Management of the Club shall be vested in a management committee (referred to throughout these rules as the General Management Committee (GMC) consisting of:
6.2 Three Officers, namely the Chairman, the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer:
6.3 A Member to represent each of the following areas:
6.3.1 Ground
6.3.2. House
6.3.3 Bar
6.3.4. Catering
6.3.5 The Club President, elected under clause 7.3
6.3.6 An ex-officio member nominated from among themselves by the Directors of Fortfield Events Limited
6.3.7. The Chairman of each sporting section and the Secretary of Non-Playing/Social section. (elected by members of that section as at rule 6.12)
6.3.8 Two ex-officio members, nominated from among themselves by the Ground Trustees of the Sidmouth Cricket Ground who must themselves be members of the Club.
6.4 All members of the GMC referred to in 6.2 and in sub-clauses 6.3.1 to 6.3.4 above shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election. It shall be permissible for any member to serve on the GMC in more than one of the aforementioned capacities.
6.5 A majority of the members of the GMC shall form a quorum. All members have a right to vote. See clause 7.2 in the event of equality of votes.
6.6 The GMC shall have the power to make such bylaws and regulations as it may deem necessary for the better regulation of the club and which do not conflict with these rules (as from time to time amended). Such bylaws shall be confirmed by members at an Annual General Meeting,
6.7 The Hon. Secretary shall call a meeting of the GMC whenever requested to do so by the Chairman or by any four members of the GMC. At least 5 days written notice shall be given.
6.8 The GMC shall have the power to appoint sub-committees for the management of any aspect of the club's business. The proceedings of any such sub-committee and of all section committees referred to in Rule 6.12 shall be subject to regulation by GMC. The chairman of any sub-committee, or any other member of a sub-committee who is not a member of GMC, may be invited to attend and speak at meetings of GMC without the right to vote
6.9 The chairman of The Friends of the Fortfield may attend GMC and update on their activities. The chairman of The Friends does not have a voting right.
6.10 A member of GMC who is absent from three consecutive meetings, without a reasonable explanation acceptable to the Chairman, shall be deemed to have resigned from GMC.
6.11 Vacancies among the Officers or members of GMC may be filled by the Chairman of GMC and such appointees shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting.
6.12 The Members of each sporting section and the non-playing section shall elect from among themselves a Committee, including a Chairman who will be a member of the GMC under clause 6.3.7 above, which shall manage the sporting activities and any other allied social activities of that section subject to conditions of Rule 6.8.
6.13 The GMC shall have the power to buy and sell property suited to the objects of the Club.
6.14 The GMC shall have the power to borrow money, for the purposes connected with the objects of the Club.
6.15 The GMC shall have the power to establish and invest in a subsidiary company for the sole purpose of raising funds for the Club. Such company shall be limited by shares and the issued shares shall be held by the Chairman and the Hon. Treasurer.
7.1 The Officers shall consist of the Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
7.2 The Chairman, or in his absence some other Officer elected for that purpose by the members present, shall act as Chairman at any General Meeting of the Club and at the meetings of the GMC. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes except as provided in Rule 15.
7.3 The GMC may also recommend the election of a President in recognition of a member who, in their opinion, has rendered outstanding service to the Club. Such recommendation shall be approved by members at the Annual General Meeting and anyone so elected shall be appointed for not more than three years. Anyone so appointed shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at meetings of the GMC.
7.4 The GMC may appoint other officials and remunerated staff to assist in the management of the club’s affairs.
8.1 The Hon. Secretary shall be the executive officer of the Club and, shall be empowered to issue such instructions and make such arrangements as he may consider appropriate in the interests of the Club.
8.2 In addition to all other duties and responsibilities referred to elsewhere in these rules he shall call all General and GMC meetings; maintain a record of their discussions and decisions; keep all records of the Club other than those held and maintained by the Hon. Treasurer; be responsible for the maintenance of an up-to-date register of members :- hold a supply of these rules:- and ensure that a copy is available to each new member on admission:- and to be responsible for the care and custody of the property and facilities of the Club, except where the GMC by formal decision has delegated any of these responsibilities to another person or body.
9.1 The Hon. Treasurer shall generally oversee all the financial affairs of the Club.
9.2 In particular he shall receive monies due to the Club, disperse all sums due by the Club and keep accurate and up-to-date accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the Club, upon which he shall report to the GMC at regular intervals.
9.3 An annual financial statement as at 31st March in each year shall be prepared by the Hon, Treasurer in such form as may be required by the GMC and presented to the Independent Examiner in time for its display to members not more than 4 months following the end of the Club’s Financial Year.
10.1 The Annual General Meeting shall appoint an Independent Examiner, with or without remuneration, to examine the books and accounts of the Club for the ensuing year and, if relevant, shall fix the rate of remuneration.
11.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held within 6 months of the end of the Club’s Financial Year, i.e. by the end of September each year, and notice of such meeting shall be provided to members at least 6 weeks prior to that date.
11.2 The business to be transacted at an Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:
11.2.1 To confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, and of any other General Meetings held since the previous Annual General Meeting.
11.2.2 To receive and adopt the report of the Chairman of GMC.
11.2.3 To receive and adopt the report of the Hon Treasurer, and the examined accounts for the year just ended.
11.2.4 To elect the Officers and members of the GMC (see Rule 6.2 and sub clause 6.3.1 to 6.3.5). In the event of more than one nomination for any specific post an election will be held at the General Meeting by a show of hands.
11.2.5 To appoint the Independent Examiner for the ensuing year and fix his remuneration (if any).
11.2.6 To transact any other business of which notice shall be given by a member to the Hon. Secretary, in writing, not less than 28 days prior to the meeting.
11.3 Nominations of candidates for election (as required by Rules 6.2 and sub clauses 6.3.1 to 6.3.4) shall be sent in writing to the Secretary so as to reach him not less than ten days prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting. All such nominations, signed by the proposer, seconder and candidate, shall be displayed on the notice board during the seven days prior to the meeting.
11.4 A Special General Meeting shall be convened by GMC at any time they deem it necessary, and also on the requisition in writing addressed to the Hon. Secretary by not less than 20 members, or one-fifth of the total membership, whichever is the lesser. Such a request must set forth clearly the object for which the meeting is required. Whenever such a request in writing is received, the Hon. Secretary will forthwith call a meeting of the GMC to be held within seven days to consider the matter and act thereon. Resolutions of a similar nature shall not be proposed more than once in any period of 15 months.
11.5 At least 14 days before any General Meeting a notice and agenda of such meeting shall be displayed in the Pavilion in a prominent position frequented by its members.
11.6 At any General Meeting 30 members shall form a quorum.
11.7 Voting shall be by members present in person; voting by proxy is not allowed. Each category of member shall be entitled to one vote except for Country Members, Junior Members and Temporary Members who shall not be eligible to vote.
11.8 If at any General Meeting a quorum is not present within 20 minutes of the time set for the commencement of the meeting, it shall be adjourned to the same day two weeks later at the same time and place provided that, if that day shall be a Bank Holiday, the meeting shall be held on the first working day thereafter. At any adjourned meeting the members present shall form a quorum and be competent to deal with the business of the meeting.
11.9 The decision of a majority of members at any meeting shall be binding upon all members except as provided in Rule 14.1 and Rule 18.1, otherwise in the event of equality of votes Rule 7.2 applies.
12.1 Persons other than members may be admitted to the Club on a casual basis, and intoxicating liquor may be sold to such persons by or on behalf of the Club. However, it will be necessary for any individual wishing to use the bar or any other club facilities on a regular basis (more than four occasions) during a season to become a member of the club.
13.1 Permitted hours of opening: the hours during which intoxicating liquor may be sold by the club shall be determined from time to time by the GMC or Bar Chairman provided that these are within the limits laid down in the current licensing law and that they have been duly notified to the Licensing Authority of East Devon District Council.
13.2 General compliance with the terms of the Premises Licence will be ensured by the Designated Premises Supervisor and overall responsibility will rest with the GMC.
13.3 Alcohol sales will be permitted on the occasion of social events, sporting or other fixture being held at the Club premises which have been approved by the GMC and in accordance with the licence issued by Licensing Authority.
13.4 No person under the age of 18 shall be sold or supplied with intoxicating liquor, nor shall any member obtain intoxicating liquor for such a person.
13.5 The Designated Premises Supervisor or any other member of the GMC or Bar Chairman may, in their absolute discretion, refuse admission, or the right to purchase or to be supplied with intoxicating liquor, to any person.
13.6 The Designated Premises Supervisor’s Duties:
13.6.1 In addition to any other duties, the Designated Premises Supervisor shall be responsible for registering the Club under the Licensing Acts and to ensure that the provision of those Acts is at all times strictly enforced. In particular he shall;
13.6.2 Within 28 days of any alteration or addition to these rules, give a written notice thereof to: The Chief Officer of Police for the area. The Licensing Authority of East Devon District Council;
13.6.3 Within 42 days notify the Chief Officer of Police for the area of any changes in the following particulars of the club: Name. Address. Objects. Permitted hours. Designated Premises Supervisor.
14.1 Any resolution to alter, set aside or add to the rules of the Club shall be considered an Extraordinary Resolution and shall require a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at a General Meeting.
15.1 The GMC shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules or of any bylaws made by them. The decisions of the GMC upon any question of interpretation, or upon any matters relating to the general management of the Club not provided for in these rules, shall be final and binding on all members.
15.2 In these rules, any reference to masculine shall include all sexes and sexual orientations; singular shall include plural, and vice-versa.
16.1 Any officer, official, trustee, or GMC member or other persons acting on behalf of and with the authority of the Club, shall be indemnified out of club property against all risks, expenses and proceedings taken against them, except for acts of wilful neglect or dishonesty by them.
17.1 All surplus income or profits made by the Club are to be re-invested in the Club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.
18.1 If at a General Meeting a resolution is passed, by a simple majority, for the dissolution of the Club, then such dissolution shall not take place unless and until it is confirmed at a Special General Meeting. Such a Special General Meeting shall be held not more than six weeks thereafter, and for which not less than four weeks’ notice shall have been given to the members, to confirm that resolution, providing that not less than one half of the members eligible to vote shall be present and not less than three-quarters present and voting are in favour.
18.2 Upon dissolution of the Club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sports’ governing bodies for use by them in related community sports.
Up to date as at the changes approved at the AGM on 10 September 2022