Photo CGD: Mrs Rosemary Maguire cuts the ribbon
The new hut replaces the aged ‘Dwerryhouse’ much weathered and leaking to provide shelter for croquet players. Although croquet is, traditionally, a summer sport the out-player can shelter from British ‘summer weather’ whilst his opponent battles on in the rain. Play, in tournaments does not stop because it’s a ‘soft Devon Day’.
The funding for this very smart shelter was provided by Mrs Rosemary Maguire the daughter of the late Esme Owen. Why? Well Esme, and her husband Ted, moved to Sidmouth from Dorchester and ended-up living across from Iris Dwerryhouse. Iris was key figure in the development of the club and she opened the first shelter which the club named ‘The Dwerryhouse’.
Iris’ new neighbours, knowing no-one in Sidmouth were prompted to join the Croquet Club. So, despite no previous sporting activity Esme and Ted joined and became enthusiastic players and gained a wide circle of friends.
Given the close link between Esme and Ted and Iris, Esme’s daughter offered to fund a shelter; the aged Dwerryhouse fitted the bill perfectly.The Club is very pleased to have a new shelter and have placed a ‘plaque’ with photos recording the link between Iris and Esme in the shelter.The shelter being formally opened By Rosemary on Saturday 30th March.Thank you, Rosemary!