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Sidmouth Edged Out by Strong East Dorset Side in SWF Golf Croquet League encounter


Sidmouth Herald published 24 July 2014

Photo: Graeme Pryor Watches A Difficult Shot Being Played

A team from East Dorset Croquet Club provided the visiting opposition for Sidmouth for a South West Federation Golf Croquet League encounter, writes Helen Pryor.

After the first six matches of four doubles and two singles the lead was held by Sidmouth at four-and-a-half to the visitors one-and-a-half.

The next four singles saw East Dorset win three and Sidmouth one to level the overall match up at five-all at which stage lunch was taken.

The opening singles post lunch did not change the score as it ran seven-all, then nine-all.

With just two matches to be contested the visitors put forward their best tow individual players Jonathan Wood, playing with a handicap of minus two, and John Speigal with his handicap of five.

Not surprisingly the visitors won the final two singles and that sealed for East Dorset an 11-9 success.

Most Sidmouth players won at least one game, but three players won more!

Graeme Pryor and Nancy Temple, the latter is new to the team, each won both of the doubles matches they played and also claimed success in a singles match each.

Philip Harris won two of his singles and was the only player to beat East Dorset’s star player, Jonathan Wood.

John Speigal of East Dorset won all his four singles games, resulting in his handicap being lowered to an impressive four.

The final result does not indicate the closeness of some of the well-fought games and the enjoyable day that both sides had on the lovely, sunny, warm day.

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