Sidmouth Herald published 7 September 2012
Photo LtoR: Colin Walls, Paul Griew, Jo & Martin McInerny
Cunningham Salver Golf Croquet Doubles
On Tuesday, 13 couples competed for the Cunningham Salver Doubles - an “open” tournament with handicaps ranging from 4-11. The pace was somewhat faster than the previous day, owing to a few players, with low Association handicaps, taking part. These players are rather more skilled at knocking balls out of the way from long distances than many of those who play a lot of Golf Croquet!
After everyone had played four games, a final was played between the best couple from each block, each having won all four games. Colin Walls and Paul Griew took on Martin and Jo McInerney. Unfortunately, this match was rather ‘one-sided’, Wall and Griew winning by seven hoops to nil. Martin and Jo, who have not played much croquet during the last two years, made a very good effort. They were just ‘out-played’ by Walls, an excellent Association player and Griew, with a Golf Croquet handicap of 10, (thus getting three extra turns) who has played Association and Golf croquet for a few years.
Annual Golf Croquet Doubles Tournament
Sidmouth Croquet Club played its usual end of season Golf Croquet Doubles tournaments On Monday, nine high handicap (handicaps 8 -11) pairs played for the High Handicap Cup. All couples played four games in blocks and all won at least one game.
Three couples won three games out of four, so a final was held between the two couples with the highest net hoop scores.
The two members who missed out of the final by one point were Anne Gedge and Daphne Snape, who had played very well in the rounds.
The final between Robert and Liz Matthews and Paul Griew and Chris Gradwell (new to croquet this year) was a good game to watch and was very closely fought. Robert and Liz won by seven hoops to five. It was good to see new players ‘having a go’ at this tournament and it is hoped that more will take part next year.
Both days were enjoyed by all participants - and the sun shone!! The trophies will be presented at the Croquet AGM in October.